Speech at the opening ceremony of the 21st National University Track and Field Championships

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-08-09Number of views:15

Vice Governor Ren Qinghua, Secretary-General Zhang Ailong, Athletes, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,

The clouds harvest the summer color, the wood leaves move the autumn sound, "Hefei is exceptionally beautiful today, and the campus tonight is especially bright。We gathered in Anhui Vocational and Technical College to hold a grand conference21The opening ceremony of the National College Track and Field Championships。Here, on behalf of the teachers, students and staff of the whole school, I would like to present the opening ceremony to all the leaders, guests, from all over the country390collegiate4823Athletes and coaches, express the warmest welcome!I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Chinese University Sports Association for its meticulous preparation of this event and to all sectors of society for their care and support for the development of university sports.

The National University Track and Field Championship is a national track and field event with the largest scale, the largest number of participants and the most extensive influence hosted by the Chinese University Sports Association.It is a sports event for contemporary youth to inspire their youth and chase their dreams。With track and field as the carrier, the field event inherits the sports spirit and carries forward the sports culture, which plays an important role in the modern university education to stimulate the young people to strengthen their body, improve their personality, temper their will, stimulate their potential and promote their all-round development。The just-concluded Summer Universiade in Chengdu has provided a wonderful youth feast for the world, and this Grand field event is the first31Another national sports event after the Universiade。I believe that Hefei tonight will write a new chapter in Chinese college athletics!

When sports are strong, China is strong, and when national sports prosper, sports prosper。It is believed that the holding of this grand field competition will not only show the passion and youth of college students in the new era, but also let us see that contemporary Chinese youth actively pursue the glory and dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of China with the spirit of hard work and forging ahead!

Distinguished guests and friends!Damei Anhui, Innovation Hefei, Vitality new station, youth safety welcome your arrival!Let's chant "Love sports·Run together, run out of youth acceleration, run out of a new height of life, go all out to dedicate a safe, green and wonderful track and field event, and write a wonderful chapter of the new era with perseverance and perseverance!

prolepsis21The National University Track and Field Championships have been a complete success!


Anhui Vocational and technical College Party secretary Li Fangze